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AJTEL 80-680 Gdańsk
ul. Czyżyków 8
tel. +48 58 308-07-77

The use of deboning and beheading machines has reduced production time, and significantly improved the quality of our goods. Another important element in quality improvement are shock tunnels, which can, in the short time of approximately 2 hours, freeze product to a temperature of -40oC. During two shifts we are able to freeze over 7 tons of fillet and other products.

Our basic production covers fresh fillets with skin, skinless fish and fish without carcass, as well as fillets, carcass, and roe frozen in the IQF and SHATTERPACK systems.

Three sub-zero cold stores of the joint area of 600 m2 and two cold stores for fresh products of the joint area of 200 m2 enable us to store goods, equipped with an electronic system for temperature recording. All appliances requiring 24 hour supervision are connected to the system.

In relation to the need for new products for our contracting parties, we are planning to expand our range in the near future with an additional assortment of canned foods.

projekt i wykonanie www.seyda.pl